World Record General Knwoledge for Test

Here, I have collected some General Knowledge point which will help you in the learning of World Records in easy way and It will help you in Interview and Initial Test of Any type of Job in Army or other Civil. This General Knowledge will also help you in Entry Test of some Universities. Because their tests include GK Portion also.

• Longest strait is Malacca.
• Biggest Telescope is Astro Physical Observatory.
• Largest temple is Angkor Vat (Cambodia).
• Longest non-stop train is Flying Scotman.
• Highest town is Wenchuan, Tibet (China).
• Tallest tower is CNN Tower, Toronto, USA.
• Longest road tunnel is Seikan (Japan).
• Highest volcano is Cotapaxi (Ecuador).
• Largest volcano is Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
• Philippines has the greatest number of volcanoes in the world.
• Longest wall is Great Wall of China 1550 miles long.
• Highest waterfall is Angel (Venezuela)
• Lowest body of water is Dead Sea.
• Biggest zoo is Etosha National Park, Namibia.
• In 2650 the first Pyramid was built in Egypt.
• In 776 First Olympic Games were played in Greece.
• Alexander invaded India in battle of Hydaspes.
• Emperor Theodesius banned the Olympic Games.
• Sun and Moon pyramids are in Mexico.
• Rock temple was built at Jerusalem.
• The largest tea producing country is India.
• USA has the largest production of aluminium.
• Rainfall related to mountains is Orographic rainfall.
• Lakes give the source of terrestrial moisture.
• Bangladesh has a dispute over the construction of a dam on Naaf River with Myanmar.
• A large coral reef containing islands encompassing a sea water lagoon is named Atoll.
• The largest basins in the face of the earth are oceans. Basin is a low land area.
• Sri Lanka is not a landlocked country.
• The thinnest earth layer is Crust.
• The name of the second highest African peak is Mount Kenya.
• Name of the second largest river of Africa is The Congo.
• Sundarbans Forests are world’s largest mangrove forests.
• Khunjra Pass connects Pakistan with China.
• Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called spring.
• Canada leads in the world in production of asbestos.
• Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everst.
• Borge Ousland is a Norwegian explorer. He became the first person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone and unsupported.
• Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.
• Chile is the largest copper producing country in the world.
• The country where death rate is lowest in the world is Japan.
• Largest Ginger producing nation is Indonesia.
• Lithuania was the first Soviet Republic of the former Soviet Union which declared itself independent.
• Madagaskar is the largest island in the Indian Ocean.
• Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first expedition in 15190 to sail round the world and discovered passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic. He proved that the shape of the earth is round.
• India leads in export of Mica in the world.
• Longest Optical Fibre is between Singapore and Marseilles.
• Dr. Ian Wilmut is credited with first cloned sheep.
• New Zealand was the first country to propose Carbon Tax to address global warming.
• Suez Canal is the largest ship canal in the world. It joins Red Sea with Mediterranean Sea. The plan of the Suez Canal was conceived by Ferdinand de Lesseps.
• Largest sugar producing country is India second is Brazil.
• Cuba is the highest producer of sugarcane in the world.
• In November 2005, Africa’s first woman head of state was elected in Mozambique. Her name is Luisa Diogo of FELIMO party.
• Amazon is the largest river of the world.
• TheNorth Atlantic Routeis the largest and busiest of the ocean trade routes
