Tips and Techniques for ISSB Interview


First Impressions
Most people make an initial opinion of a stranger within the first five minutes of meeting them. According to research candidate impressions are made up of the following:
Body Language and image (70%) 
Tone of voice (20%) 
What you say (10%) 

As soon as you enter the building you need to be polite to everyone you meet. You need to remain calm and confident, give a firm handshake, and remember to make eye contact. You need to put both yourself and the interviewer at ease by being down-to-earth whilst remaining business-like, it is often quite a good idea to have a few conversation openers, especially if the interviewer takes you to the interview room, it helps break the silence..

Interview Techniques
The interview is not only a chance for the interviewer to assess if you are the right person for the job, but it is also an opportunity for you to see if the forces are suitable for you.
During the interview you need to look for opportunities to be proactive and ask your own questions or try to lead the discussion where appropriate. Questions should reflect your keenness to work for the Forces...
Keep your concentration levels up during the interview and make sure you listen to the responses the interviewer gives you. The worst mistakes happen when people end up asking questions about topics that have already been covered, or don't hear or understand what the interviewer has said.

Key points:
Make sure you give the interviewer your full attention 
Wait for them to finish speaking, before you answer the question 
Make sure you ask open questions, to ensure you get full answers 
Check you understand everything that has been said 
What are your biggest accomplishments? This should be job related, and is a chance to show your competency 
Where do you see yourself in five years time?  

Points you need to remember:
Smiling is a good positive signal, as it reaffirms your good nature 
Maintain eye contact 
Relax do not rush or fidget 
Mirror the interviewers techniques, if they laugh, laugh with them 
Maintain an alert position, sit up straight, don't slump, but be comfortable
Always have a confident and honest attitude.
