Tips to recommend in First attempt of ISSB

It is said that a fresher candidate has the brightest chances of clearing the ISSB interview. The truth of this sentence is still not found, yet each one of us wants to clear the ISSB in our first attempt. Here are ten golden tips which will help you in clearing this prestigious interview in your first attempt.

Don’t be nervous

Nervousness can be your biggest enemy in the ISSB. Prepare well before and beat the nervousness. There is no use of being nervous, it is not a war, take is just like a simple interview, go like a roaring tiger and clear it!

Practice makes everyone perfect

Practicing will make you better and nearly perfect, it is advisable to practice for the Psych Tests well before, this is so because these tests are done under a very strict time constraint, if you are practicing for them in advance; it’ll help you a lot in managing the time there. Also practice speaking in English, it is very important that you are fluent enough in English to converse with the Interviewer and speak in GD and Lecturette.

The ‘be positive’ funda

SSB is all about positive attitude, so be it your psych tests, interview, GT Series or anything else, be positive. Your personality should reflect that you are an assertive person, right from your answers in psych tests to your personality and behavior in GT and Interview.

Friendliness with your group

Being friendly with your group is very important, since there are almost 7-8 tasks which you have to do as a group and where it counts whether or not your group likes you. Since the testing is done in groups hence it is important that each one in your group likes you. Be friendly and non-judgmental towards others.


You need to be aware about what is happening in your nation and in the world. Only superficial knowledge will not help, get to know the things in detail. Have strong view points towards the cases and be ready for a good debate with the Interviewing officer on the GK things. Be a regular reader of the newspaper and don’t miss even the minutest details.

Knowing yourself and things around you

It is necessary for the interview that you know yourself well, be prepared with all the data about yourself, like you grades, achievements and good/bad qualities etc. In a similar manner, you must be aware about the details about your family like their occupation, good/bad points etc. Make sure that you know in details about your hobbies or the games you have played.

Dress up

Your dress up is important in casting a good impression in front of others. Be careful in what you are choosing to wear. You have to be dressed appropriately according to the occasion. Hence choose your dress wisely; there are guidelines available for both men and women on what all they can wear in ISSB.

Physical fitness

You have to undergo long hours of tasks which will be tiring and exhausting; however you’ll not realize this in the josh! You have to be physically fit, since you have to do physical tasks as well. Be careful of the way you walk and sit, don’t look lazy from your gait. If you’ll be physically fit your personality will reflect that. It is advisable to do some running/light exercise regularly.

Over confidence will make you pay

Being confident is one thing and overconfident is completely opposite. Your over confidence will eat up all your chances of success. Hence be confident but not overconfident.
