Pointer Story writting in ISSB

Pointer Story Writing is a test taken by Psychologist, in which you have given two stories. In this test, Psychologist tests your mind with the help of pointer story. For Pointer Story, an incomplete sentence is given to you to start a story and make  a story.30 seconds will be given to you to make a story in your mind and 3 minutes and 30 seconds to write a story on page.
In pointer story, first complete the incomplete sentence to start a story. Your story should start from Past and end in Present. Add your own idea and thinking in the Story. Do not Copy other ideas. It will be good to give a lesson in the story.
Some Examples of Pointer Stories.

1. She was alone in the stormy night suddenly………….
2. When he could not meet the expenses of his family………………..
3. He served to earn money but he becomes a leader of a man………………
4. He could not stand for because……………….
5. Her life was glamorous till………………
6. There relation took a new turn when ………………
7. When he lost his respect honor in the society then ……………..
8. When she lost her respect and honor in the society then……………..
9. When he saw her in trouble then …………………
10. Akmal lost his way in the enemy territory then ……………….
11. She was passing through  a thick forest suddenly……………………
12. Lost of money and power made him……………………..
13. When his life become misreable then………………….
14. Ups and downs of his life…………………………
15. On his youth Ahmed wanted to……………………..
16. Because of his youth he……………………..
17. Zahoor was a poor boy, one day he……………………..
18. She was standing lonely on a road, suddenly she……………………..
19. Their relation took a new turn when……………………..
20. He could not afford his family expenses, so he…………………….

For Example:

Ups and downs of his life……..
Ups and downs of his life made him strong and courageous to face the problems. When he was studying, it was difficult for him to study because of financial problems.So, he started to teach the children as tuition teacher. The money he got from that was enough for him to support his family and his needs.
