How to develop Leader Like Qualities for ISSB Test?

Dear Aspirants, to get through the ISSB Interview is not an easy job. The candidate is cross examined by three experienced persons. The armed force life requires both brain and brawn.The candidates must essentially possess qualities of leadership. In the armed forces, sleepy, shy officers are not required. They should be such that they can lead their men successfully in time of emergency.

They should possess presence of mind and quickness of decision.  The armed forces thus call for a high degree of leadership. We should cultivate these qualities of leadership when we are studying in colleges or in schools. Friends, here I have numerated some essential qualities that you must try to cultivate in order to become a successful leader.
  • Quickness of Mind
  • Straight forwardness
  • Practical intelligence
  • Self-confidence
  • Alertness
  • Sociability
  • Team-spirit and co-operation
  • Optimism
  • Positive thinking
  • Physical fitness and will power
  • Adaptability
  • Courage
  • Wit and sense of Humor
  • Ability to convince others
  • Considering other’s interests
  • Discipline and frankness
  • Organizational ability
  • Initiative
  • Logical and systematical approach to various problems
  • Considering other’s views
  • Being a Good speaker
  • Enthusiasm
  • Loyalty to your group or institution
  • Up to date knowledge
  • Humility
  • Being a Personal example
  • Moral fitness
  • Tact
  • Unselfishness
  • Commonsense
Friends, if you are able to cultivate these qualities in yourself, then you will automatically be sworn in as the leader of a group. I have marked some qualities in bold letters which are most important. That doesn’t mean others are less important. You must have all these qualities to be a good, inspiring leader.


No one have all such qualities(In the modern age).It is your Hard Work and Luck.Your Luck has highest role for any kind of Test. However, you can develop good qualities by Hard Work.
