Psychologist Test - Words Association Test at ISSB - Tips and Guidelines

Word association Test at ISSB which is usually known as WAT- ISSB is a Personality Test. Words Association Test in ISSB (WAT-ISSB) is a series of words which is shown to one by one on a projector screen. This test is mainly to check your personality. Psychologist reads your sentences which you made on different words to check your reactions and emotions. Words Association Test at ISSB test totally depends on your personality.

Each sentence or a response made to words is associated with the candidate personality. So, you need a special hard work for this test. You need to make your personality bold and positive.

The procedure of ISSB Words Association Test  (WAT):-

At ISSB, all the candidates in the Johar Hall are provided with blank papers for ISSB Words Association Test. You have to write to write the only sentences not the words on blank paper. 

Words are shown to you on the screen. A time interval between each sentence is nearly 10 seconds. Words on the screen come after one by one. 

Purpose of Words Association Test at ISSB:-

Words Association Test (WAT) at ISSB helps the Psychologist to understand the real behaviour of the candidate under pressure. As the Sentence you made on the Words totally depends on your personality, so, it helps a lot to Psychologist.

Tips for a candidate for Words Association Test at ISSB:-

Tips for a candidate in this test is that write the sentence which comes first in your mind. Always be natural. You should work hard before going for ISSB. It is best to practice at home before going for ISSB. Practicing not only make your vocabulary strong but it will also increase your writing speed and skills.

If there is a word and you do not know the meaning of this word then it is better to leave it. Thinking of this word will make your time waste. Write the sentence which comes first in your mind.

There are also some negative words in ISSB Words Association Test, But you can make them positive by the positive approach.

Your Sentence should be Positive. It is good to make the sentence, simple and informative.

Some Examples of Words for ISSB.

Here is the list of some words for the purpose of example.
  1. Press
  2. News
  3. Good
  4. Moral
  5. Difficult
  6. Hard
  7. Soft
  8. Enemy
  9. Loyal
  10. Look
  11. Observe
  12. Army
  13. Television
  14. Liberal
  15. Quick
  16. Athlete
  17. Muscle
  18. Strong
  19. Bone
  20. Health
  21. Wealth
  22. Best
  23. Courage
  24. Fool
  25. Busy
  26. Rape
  27. Light
  28. East
  29. Country
