Psychologist Test - Sentence Completion Test ISSB (SCT -ISSB) - Tips and Guidelines

Sentence Completion Test in ISSB is a part of Psychologist Test. This Test is also known as SCT. It is a personality Test in ISSB. In ISSB Sentence Completion Test a candidate is given a paper on which partial incomplete sentences are written and a candidate has to complete these sentences in his own words.

In ISSB, this test is taken by Psychologist to find out your personality traits and character. Sentence complete by a candidate is related to the candidate life.

Purpose of Sentence Completion Test:-

Sentence Completion Test is used to analyze candidate thought, motives and attitudes and conflicts. A psychologist usually judges candidate personality by reading the sentences completed by a candidate.

The procedure of Sentence Completion Test (SCT):-

The candidate is provided with a paper on which 26 partial incomplete sentences are written. You have to complete the sentences in 6 minutes. There are two pages given two you one by one. Both of which have 26 sentences on each to complete. So, the total sentences are 54.

Same situation is for Urdu Sentences.

Tips for a candidate:-

It is not necessary for a candidate to complete all the sentences but it is good to complete all sentences. Because it will show your resourcefulness.
Be natural and true in completing the sentences. Because the sentence you complete is based on your own life(It is considered by Psychologist). 

Some Examples of ISSB Sentence Completion Test:-

  • I hate…………………
  • Pakistan army is………
  • He is sorry for…………
  • His health………………
  • Only trouble is…………
  • When he saw beautiful….
  • She is angry because……..
  • The new generation………
  • No one came……………..
  • He finally…………………
  • He was caught……………
  • When he was happy………
  • The businessman………..
  • Soldiers are………………
  • He refused to…………….
  • Crush……………………
  • Bad people……………..
  • Poor people…………….
  • Our forces………………
  • Army life……………….
  • In extreme difficulties…..
  • He is always willing to….
  • When she grew old……..
  • From away of his house….
  • He became important when
  • His family is…………
  • If it is necessary I will……
  • To gain property he………
  • A large portion of hi time……
  • To gain popularity………….
  • The teacher feels…………
  • Our leaders are……………..
  • Pakistani girls are………….
  • Young girls are……………
  • College girls are…………
  • University girls are……….
  • Fashionable girls are……..
  • Fashion is………………..
  • His wife………………….
  • His sister………………..
  • His daughter……………
  • His mother……………..
  • Girls were……………..
  • His heart sank because……..
  • To express his anger……….
  • It was very clear that……….
  • Best time of his life………..

