MCAT Guide and Preparation Tips for Sindh (DOW, LUMHS)

This guide is mainly for Sindh MCAT. Repeater candidates for MCAT are well of the pattern and syllabus for Sindh MCAT. This guide is mainly for Fresh candidates. I hope that this guide will help the candidates a lot for preparation for MCAT.

Here are the tips for the preparation of MCAT:

1. Physics:

Dear students, the MCQs of physics in the paper are both easy and difficult. There are a total of 30 MCQs. Out of them, about 15-20 mcqs are numericals both easy and confusing. However, remaining mcqs are always world known and conceptual, not too difficult but quite interesting. In order not to lose 30 marks, which literally DECIDE YOUR MERIT, you have to be keen about those 15-20 numericals .These mcqs involve diagrams and calculations.

2. Chemistry:

Most of the MCQS of chemistry comes from 1st year book & 2nd year inorganic chemistry. You should have FULL GRIP on your 1st year chemistry which contain numericas as well. You have to read both the books (1st & 2nd) with keen interest. 1st year chemistry is quite easy but full of concepts on the other hand 2nd year chemistry is full of chemical reactions & properties. About 10-15 questions comes from 1st year, approx 5-7 from 2nd year organic chemistry and the rest of the mcqs are from 2nd year inorganic chemistry. In order to get full marks in chemistry you have to master the basics of chemistry.

3. Biology:

There are 30 MCQS in biology paper. Dear students, all these MCQS are SIMPLE BOOK LINES & very few are diagrams (3 or 4). So, you have to prepare it necessarily from book. I don't say that simply CRAM the book lines. You should learn all the topics of Biology like a story, yes a scientific story. Don't cram same to same book words but try to learn everything that is written in the book. And you need not to learn any key books or notes in order to GET CONCEPTS. I can say with extreme honesty that all the concepts are easily available in our textbook. So, you must take your textbook as reference. Learn everything from it, because not even a single word in MCAT is from outside the range of your book. So, please be serious about it.

4. English:

Now comes the embarrassing questions of English (embarrassing for most of the students..). Actually the paper consists of 10 MCQS. These MCQS are very very important in deciding your merit. There are roughly 3 categories of questions:
Vocabulary (2 synonyms & 2 antonyms)
Correction (2 Spot the Error and 2 choose the correct word)
Passage (2 questions)

So, you have to focus on these 3 things and I CLAIM that VOCABULARY is MORE IMPORTANT. You must have firm grip on the vocabulary words. These are very difficult words. At least, you must know the meaning of each and every word. Instead of learning a big world list why not try an easier way.
