How to write Merits and Demerits in ISSB (Good and Bad Qualities) ?

It is mostly asked a question by the candidate of ISSB. Writing good and bad qualities is the part of psychology test. Which is most commonly known as merits and demerits?
In Issb they can ask this question in different views, for example, friend's point of view about you or what's your friend think about you. In another way they can this as enemies views about you and what're your enemies think about you.

Writing merit and demerit is the essential part in Issb Psychology Test. They wanted to know how you judge yourself. They can check your personality's merits and demerits from your test which include Words association Test which is known as WAT and sentence completion test which is known as SCT. But they wanted to check your ability to judge yourself.
It is not only important in psychology but also asked in an interview about your qualities. So, you need a practice before going for a test.

Before writing merits and demerits/Good and Bad qualities you have to keep in mind that your merits and demerits should be real, natural and there is a chance of improvement for them. Your merits and demerits should not have a bad impact on your moral values.
For example; once you have a demerit that "you spend a lot of time with friends". In this demerit, many merits are hidden. For example, one merit in this demerit is you are cooperative.
n this article, I will give some examples of merits and demerits which will be helpful to you writing merits and demerits in ISSB. Please don't copy these merits and demerits, because it will cover up your natural personality.

Merits/Good Qualities:-

There are the following merits and good qualities of a personality to write in ISSB.

Hard worker
Truth Follower
Tolerate hurdles

Demerits/bad qualities:-

There are following demerits of personality to write in ISSB.

Bad handwriting
Slow handwriting
Weak in subjects(chemistry, Math, Physics...)
Weak in the study.
Weak in general knowledge
Spend a lot of time with friends.
Think more about sports.
Sleep late
Use mobile too much.
