GTO Outdoor Tasks - Individual Obstacles ISSB - Guidelines and Tips

Third day of GTO will start with Individual Obstacles OR Command Task. Individual obstacles are of great importance for candidate to show his physical fitness and willing power. In Individual obstacles of ISSB, all candidates or members of the group have to perform this task individually.

Procedure of Individual Obstacles:-

In ISSB 3rd Day, all candidates have to come in Johar Hall.In Johar Hall, Staff of the ISSB will show you the video of Individual Obstacles. In this video, all the rules of Individual Obstacles and all the obstacles are shown to the candidates on the projector screen. After that GTO will come and take all the group to Individual Obstacles areas where all the task are shown to candidates. This chance is give to you to make pattern of doing Individual Obstacles. Always try to do individual obstacles in sequence. It is good to start from the easier one. All the task has the specific marks.

After all the briefing of GTO, your Individual Obstacles in ISSB starts. Every candidate perform this task. All the members of the group perform this task, one by one. If one candidate is in task area, then the other one who has to do next, has to wait. 

Structure of Individual Obstacles in ISSB Test:-

[accordion] [item title="Time alloted"]2 Minutes[/item] [item title="Total Obstacles"]9 Obstacles[/item] [/accordion]

Hanging Bridge
Hanging Tyre
High Jump
Long Jump
Monkey bridge
Multi-Down Up
Rope Climbing
Tarzan Swing

Tips for a Candidates (Individual Obstacles):-

Individual Obstacles in ISSB is big task for a candidate. To perform well in the Individual Task, you should have good stamina. It is good to make your stamina and muscle strong before going to ISSB.

If you do any foul in individual obstacles, try to overcome it by doing it again. It will make GTO, more impressive towards.

Show your full courage, utilize all your energy in this two minutes. As it is a matter of your future.

Practice will make you perfect.
