GTO Outdoor Task - Half Group Task ISSB - Tips and Guidlines

In progressive group task, all the members of the group take part to complete the task. But in the Half Group Task, group members which are usually 8 to 10 in numbers, are divided into 2 or 3 sub groups. Half Group Task and Progressive Group Task in ISSB are similar, but the difference is that the Half Group Task has a Short Task as compared to Progressive Group Tasks and in the Half Group Task in ISSB all the members of the group does not take part altogether. They took part in sub groups.

In half Group Task, all the sub groups have to face the same task to complete. This Task is almost similar to Progressive Group Task and Command Task. You have to follow the same rules as of GTO progressive Task. You have to carry the material with yourself and cross the finishing line with the materials.

Half Group Task is the second chance to show your qualities of Team work and ability to influence other group mates. Half Group Task is best to express your abilities. It is possible that you have not expressed your leader like qualities in previous tasks ( Group Discussion, Lecture Topics and Progressive Group Task) because of the presence of other brilliant candidates who dominates you and others in previous task , So Half Group Task will be a good time to show your abilities and put forth your ideas by performing better in Half Group Task to GTO. If GTO has not made a good assessment on the basis of your performance in previous task, then your Performance in GTO Half Group Task will impress your GTO to change the assessment towards you.

GTO Observations in Half Group Task:-

As in the Half Group Task, number of candidates is reduced. It will make the GTO to observe you and your team mates to observe minutely and thoroughly. It is important task for GTO as well as for candidate. After the Half  Group Task, the GTO will form a clear cut assessment about every candidate and he confirms his finding in the next tasks.

GTO may check your Team Work, Responsibility and Planing Ability. In Half Group Task in ISSB, GTO can observe minutely to your responses towards failure and hurdles. He will also observe your following of rules.

GTO rules:-

GTO rules in Half Group Task in ISSB is same as that of Progressive Group Task and Command Task.
Following are the rules of GTO Tasks in ISSB:
  • There is a rule of Color. Usually the Red color is out of bound, Red and White Line structures are out of bound for candidate but in bound for materials. GTO will brief you about the rule before the starting of Half Group Task.
  • Jumping rule is another rule in GTO task, by this rule you cannot jump more than 4 feet or told by the GTO.
  • Out of Bound Rule is another rule, in which ground between starting and finsihing line is out of bound for you and materials. Red colored structures is also out of bound for you.

Guideline for Candidates:-

Half group task is most important task for you, if you have not performed well in the previos tasks. The main thing of this Task is to test your ability of commanding and cooperation. It is a good chance for you to express your abilities.
It will be good for candidate to follow these guidelines;
  1. Be natural.
  2. Follow all the GTO rules, which include out of bound rule, jumping rule and  Color rule.
  3. You should be active in Task.
  4. If you have a good idea to solve the task, then share it with your group mates.
  5. Your behavior with the team members should be polite and gentle.
  6. If you have not idea to solve the task, then avoid to give useless ideas and help the others and follow who gives the best idea to tackle the obstacle.
  7. Never violate the rules, it will made bad impact on your performance.
